Lincoln + Melina’s Pre-wedding

During our creative brainstorm, we found out that Lincoln and Melina love to travel and they are going to have a travel themed wedding. So we came up with this travel itinerary idea. The places we put in it weren’t just random, each location held a special meaning to both of them, and were arranged based on their real love journey. Started from the beach where they first hung out, after a while they found same interests and liking which brought them closer, until one day on a romantic dinner, they decided to take a new step in their relationship: walking the journey of life together.

We had a great time with them, and everything was right on schedule! It is so unlikely, considering Jakarta’s bad traffic and we were shooting around Kemang area!! (if you’re living in Jakarta, you’ll understand). So here you go, hope you enjoy the adventure of Lincoln and Melina.

1 Comment »

  1. Rosie said

    I really enjoy checking on your blog from time to time, as every session tells different and unique story of each couple. Brilliant!

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